Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Trendsetters Have Done It Finally :)

The RDB Gang (Rang De Basanti Gang), as we call ourselves, is back.. After months of deliberation of how to constructively "waste" time, we (Praveen,Navin,Vinodh Shankar,Gokul,Fakkir,Kapil,Putta Saravanan and Myself) have decided to start a blog and share our information with you people.. We will try to share with u whatever little knowledge we have ranging from politics to movie reviews to sports to higher studies to companies and almost everything under the earth.. :)

Nice idea.. Isn't it? Instead of wasting 24 hours in a day we have decided to waste 23 hours.. ;) Remaining one hour we will spend on this blog.. Exchange of vital information which may be invaluable in our future. At the same time it is also for some fun-filled entertainment.. Lets hope this s de beginning of de many usefuls tat we r going to embark on in our life.. :)


Vignesh Signing Off...

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