Friday, September 12, 2008

iPod Nano 4G

It's jubilation time for gadget lovers as Apple has introduced its brand new version of iPod. Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the iPod nano fourth generation at the Apple Let’s Rock Event on September 9. It has been acclaimed as the thinnest model ever introduced in the market. The sleek and attractive piece of technology has come up with variety of new colors which the manufacturer calls it as ‘nano-chromatic’.

Another good news is that this version of iPod is the most eco-friendly one than its predecessors being free of arsenic, mercury, BFR and PVC. Good news, isn’t it.

The model, available in 8GB and 16 GB, comes with a new “Genius” playlist tool. The Genius feature creates a 25-song playlist based on the genre of the song we select to play. It also comes up with a capability to switch between portrait and landscape display modes and shuffle songs when shaken. Another salient feature is that it has accessibility features for the visually impaired. It seems it requires a software upgrade to Apple’s iTunes 8.

The price is quite affordable with 8GB available at 149USD and 16GB available at 199USD. Apple strives to retain its music player market after having introduced iPhone. With this new irresistible masterpiece it hopes it can. To be precise, iPod 4G is too good to resist.

For a detailed review click here.


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