Saturday, September 20, 2008


Its time to rewrite the engineering books, as the scientists have discovered the fourth basic elements of electrical circuit theory.Its name is memristor ,combination of memory & resistor. This remarkable achievement is made HP lab researchers.This novel concept and property was realised by a engineering student in 1971 thrugh series of mathematical equations and clearly stated the properties but he was not able to make physically.
After 37 years the HP researchers have made it possible through intense research, thus adding a fourth basic circuit element to electrical circuit theory, one that will join the three better-known ones: the capacitor, resistor and the inductor.
The Scientists claim that this memristor could be use in instant PC and analog device with more power efficient computers.One of the more interesting fact about memristor id that it can remember the amount of charge that flows.."When you turn the power off on your PC, the DRAM forgets what was there. So the next time you turn the power on you've got to sit there and wait while all of this stuff that you need to run your computer is loaded into the DRAM from the hard disk."scientists can now think about fabricating a new type of non-volatile random access memory (RAM) – or memory chips that don't forget what power state they were in when a computer is shut down.
While a lot of researchers are currently trying to write a computer code that simulates brain function on a standard machine, they have to use huge machines with enormous processing power to simulate only tiny portions of the brain."Instead of writing a computer program to simulate a brain or simulate some brain function, we can actually build some hardware based upon memristors that emulates brain-like functions".
In the near future some more bsic elements could be discovered and it would lead to differnt state of technological developments in the field of engineering.

K.Vinodh Shankar

1 comment:

Vignesh C said...

U ve been doing quite a good work in this area da! Keep it up!